What we're doing... ASCLS-California has partnered with the California Association for Medical Technologists (CAMLT) and Philippine Association for Medical Technology (PAMET-USA, Inc.) to amplify our voice and visibility for our profession.

Together, we have created the California Coalition of Laboratory Organizations (CCLO). We have come together to address the workforce shortage and elevate the status of laboratory professionals across the state. In April, we announced our mission and vision. In June, we're taking action to expand CLS training programs.
But we need your help... Lobbying and small group advocacy efforts may get us started, but it's the grassroots movements that make change happen. We need you to also write to your state legislators and tell them what's going on. Sign and send this sample letter to your representatives TODAY.
This is time sensitive as we are looking to secure funding from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. What we're asking for... $12 million dollars for 200 seats in three years. This probably doesn't seem like a lot - not enough to fill our staffing - but it's what we need to ensure that today's aspiring laboratorians can enroll in a CLS program. This is the start to an active increase in enrollment and staffing to meet and exceed our workforce needs. The number of seats proposed comes from survey data gathered across state academic institutions and hospital-based training programs.
Under this proposal, hospitals would be able to apply for grant funding in blocks of up to $60,000 to offset the costs of providing an internship to an eligible CLS candidate.
This also includes MLT and Limited License CLS as well. A recommendation made by the Hospital Laboratory Workforce Initiative (HLWI), part of the California Hospital Association created to "to find innovative solutions to the laboratory workforce shortage." Read more in their white paper. We are pleased to know CHA is supportive of this proposal.
Who to contact... Go to http://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/ to find your state Senate and Assembly representatives. You can fax/email/write to their address with the sample letter provided. Also remember to send to the California Budget Committee Members as they are the ones who would approve funding in the 2021-2022 budget.
Together, our organizations are making a stronger impact on advocating for medical laboratory professions. Our efforts are increased by engaging other related associations and committees. However, we can't do it without the support of our own membership. Please take a few minutes to join our initiative. Your contribution is needed to make this proposal a success and increase our workforce.